RCM Annual Midwifery Awards 2017
The Lansinoh Team of the Year Award was presented to midwives Kelly Pierce and Claire Parr who accepted the prestigious accolade on behalf of the maternity team at Western Sussex Hospital NHS foundation Trust. Their public health project ‘Always stepping it up’ was devised to help to improve services for women and their families particularly those with additional needs or vulnerabilities. The public health team includes midwives and maternity support workers working within the areas of screening, fetal medicine, safeguarding, practice development, weight management, and counselling, smoking, perinatal mental health, alcohol and substance misuse, infant feeding and specifically led by a Public Health lead.
Midwives Kelly and Claire accepted their award on behalf of their team at the RCM’s Annual Midwifery Awards at a ceremony in The Brewery, London on the Tuesday March 7th 2017. The ceremony was hosted by BBC journalist and broadcaster Natasha Kaplinsky.
Commenting on the winning entry the judges said; “that they were impressed with the passion and enthusiasm of the whole team. They also demonstrated how the Trust has fully integrated public health into the care of mothers and babies.”
Cathy Warwick, Chief Executive of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) said; “I congratulate all the hardworking midwives and maternity support workers who have worked tirelessly to get this public health project off the ground and in doing so they have undoubtedly personalised and improved the care that women and their babies are now receiving at Western Sussex NHS foundation Trust. To win an award is a real achievement and thank them and their colleagues for their dedication, skill and commitment to women, babies and their families.”
Sasha Singh representing Lansinoh at the awards said; “We are delighted that the maternity team at Western Sussex Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have been named Lansinhoh’s Team of the Year. The award reflects the team’s passion and commitment to ensure consistent, personalised and high quality care is received by mums, babies and families. It is a great credit to all the hardworking and talented staff involved in this worthwhile project which is based around the needs of mums, their babies and families.”
Tracey Mudd, Head of Midwifery at Western Sussex Hospital NHS foundation Trust said; “I am delighted and so proud of this fantastic achievement – the innovative work, training and education undertaken by the whole public health maternity team influences and impacts every area of our maternity services and enables excellence in care for all women, babies and their families.”
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